SHS Advisory Group is a global financial consultant and strategist with 18 years of experience in managing business excellence. Established in 2004, Mr. Narayanan Swaminathan, PhD in Private Equity, the company's founder, has built a reputation for client satisfaction. SHS upholds the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and corporate ethics in its profession.

SHS has used its knowledge to bridge the gap between the market and the client through significant interactions with business owners, professionals, investors, institutions, and financiers. Our experience in investing and financing several businesses has set the route for our clients' fiscal success.

SHS Advisory is not solely an investment banking firm or a provider of financial services. We act as your family office. We will manage your investments, advise you on issues, getting government approvals, Governement incentives/ grants/ subsidies guide you with insurance, support you with legal requirements, assist you with accounting, help you in identifying investors, assist you in obtaining debt, enable you in business automation, aid you in selecting the right property investment for you and many more

You immediately gain comprehensive coverage for all by registering with us. Our objective is to provide as a single point of contact for all investment, marketing, legal, accounting, finance, and business advisory concerns.


What circumstances might necessitate our assistance?

You may have money and specific criteria in mind, such as fixed return, future valuation, next generation, ease of liquidation, stock market investment, or real estate, but you are unsure how to choose, what to choose, or what will happen. In this scenario, we serve as an expert, guiding you along the appropriate route.

You are confronted with legal issues pertaining to business and finance. You may have a well-known attorney or you may not. We bring subject expertise in business and finance to the table. We assist you by collaborating with your legal representative or our legal representative, providing them with pertinent information and suggestions that can help improve the case and resolve the issues through legal procedure. It could be a scenario of debt recovery, financial difficulties, DRT, sarfasi, or settlement, for example.

You may be a business owner. It could be a startup or already exist. You're considering raising funds. We enter the picture by analysing your business, comprehending your requirements, and guiding you down the proper path regarding the next step, preparation, or networking with investors. We either help you through the process or perform it for you via third parties.

You are running a business without a sound financial system. Through our expert network, we will assist you in securing the CFO position or in maintaining accounts, streamlining finance, updating regulatory requirements, identifying profit margins, and conducting internal audits. This has the potential to enhance the entire financial system.

You own a business and are searching for business orders from larger players or the government, or are interested in establishing an office or partnership in another country. You desired to engage in tenders but lacked the necessary knowledge and network. We will assist you in this instance.

You have a business, but from morning to evening you are constantly rushing about and handling it. We will assist you with different technical solutions to integrate your complete organization into a mobile dashboard, which will simplify your business life. We act as a full-service mentor, bridging the divide between business and technology.

We provide assistance in the following situations. If you're operating an existing business or embarking on a new venture. When you're unaware of the available government schemes encompassing subsidies, grants, incentives, and paybacks. If you lack knowledge about the requisite approvals needed for commencing a new endeavor, their timelines, and acquisition methods. When you're running a business but are unsure about overlooked approvals, grants, and incentives.


We help you claim government schemes that provide grants, equity, and debt to those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Joint ventures with overseas clientele if the organisation is involved in manufacturing.

International equity or debt with a market capitalization of more than 100 crores.

Placement of shares with institutions and high-net-worth individuals (HNI) if the company is listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) or the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

If a three-year-old business has a revenue of 100 crores, private equity can be raised from the market.

Provide seed capital to startups that are less than a year old and have a high growth potential.

Venture capital for one- to three-year-old businesses with a revenue of more than 20 crores.

For enterprises with a revenue of more than Rs. 20 crores, SME listing and financing are available.

Bank restructuring or distressed financing for businesses that are having banking issues.

Discounting facilities for businesses with a high export turnover.

Managing debt settlement in the event of a financial crisis.

Automation solution plan for businesses seeking to reduce human costs and boost profitability over the next two years.

Investment plans for people interested in the stock market, mutual funds, and life insurance, among other things.

Assisting factories, automobiles, and businesses in obtaining greater coverage of insurance at a lower premium.

Assisting businesses with feasibility reports, business plans, financial modelling, information memorandums, due diligence, and preparation of pitch book.

We facilitate government sanctions, essential business approvals, and government incentives, grants, and subsidies by leveraging our expertise and proven approach.

What is our step by step process over all

What we do when we undertake the work of arranging investors or debts or business buyers


A wide rage of economic services are provided. These services are comprised of different businesses that provide goods and services to consumers. The business is enhanced with smart financial decisions.


This Service provides a whole range of activities related to investments in financial instruments. Sound corporate governance helps businesses attract investment on better terms. Insurance, stock broking, mutual funds, investment and real estate is offered with  means of investing in a variety of securities across equity, debt, and global markets.


This service allows the facilitation of communication with regulatory organisations. All approvals and permissions required to run the business smoothly is taken care from start to finish. Apart from approvals CIBIL Score Solutions, Dispute Settlement,Legal Related Services, LLP formation and various registrations and certifications are also administered.


The company provides assistance to firms helps firms to reach their target markets; they include marketing research agencies, advertising agencies, sales promotions specialists, marketing consultants, etc. Joint ventures for business and real estates, establishing an office overseas, product marketing and land promotions are the major specialization areas


Professional services are occupations in the service sector that includes business analysis and plans for every type of firm.They include lawyers, advertising professionals, architects, accountants, financial advisors, engineers, and consultants, among others. Customized, knowledge-based services are offered to clients.


The programs are Personal Finance, Financial Planning Mentorship, Corporate Finance, Investment Banking Mentorship and Startup Mentorship Program. Which students and working professionals can learn new skills, upgrade their existing knowledge, connect theoretical aspects to the actual work and understand the mechanics behind the corporate world.

7 step Process


Customer Enquiry


Analysis at the first level


Consultation and planning


Creating proposals or other required documentation


Pick the optimum match depending on the requirements


Contacting the identified target and establishing communication with them



Our loyal clients have helped us achieve

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